What IS Social Media? And Do You HAVE To Do It?

Naja, aka The Nail Guru, is an award-winning nail artist, international educator and seasoned salon owner.
Ok, ok, I know you probably think you know what social media is, right? Yet, I hear from sooooo many beauty professionals statements like this:
- I don’t know what to post.
- I am not consistent in posting.
- I don’t have any clients because I don’t have a following.
- I am not popular on social so I can’t make it.
- My only marketing ideas is to post on social media.
- I don’t think my work is good enough to post.
- I think my work isn’t good because I don’t get enough likes.
Do any of these statements ring a bell? I hear them all the time and my heart goes out to those stuck in the self-imposed tyranny of posting! If you are busy with a full book of clients and no time to post, then believe me, YOU ARE WINNING!
I speak to hundreds of beauty pros weekly and many are truly struggling to stay in business and get a clientele. So here I would like to give you my view of what social is… and what it is not. Along with some tips & tricks to make your posting life easier.

Naja’s passion is helping young entrepreneurs in the beauty field make consistent CASH from their CRAFT.
SOCIAL MEDIA: What is it?
It is a free marketing platform you can use to showcase your work and/or attract paying clients.
Although paying is an option, most individual beauty pros are using the free strategy. A minimum of $1500 monthly to 5K monthly is what is needed to make paid posts actually give you a return on investment (ROI).
Social media is a superb networking tool if used correctly. I connect and speak with people all over the globe, weekly.
SOCIAL MEDIA: What it is not
A measure of your skill as a beauty artist or technician
A measure of your self-worth
A measure of whether your returning clients are happy (if they are returning = happy!)
A tool to compare yourself to others (especially those who have been at it 10+yrs longer)
A tyrannical ‘to-do’ list of posting, posting, posting with no plan rather than actually going out and getting clients
This may be shocking news to you, but NOT ALL POSTING IS MARKETING!!
And the idea that YOU HAVE TO post ‘in this day and age, right!?’ is just ludicrous to me. Now, I know that may sound trite coming from me, who, present day, uses social media to spread my message but I am working in an online sphere with online classes and workshops etc.
If you are someone who is behind the chair and needs paying clients to get your services- NO! You do not neeeeedd social media. That is the tyranny of it, thinking that you neeeed it to be successful. YOU DO NOT!
I got my full book of nail clients without social media.
Vidal Sasson got all his clients prior to social media and we still know his name, right?!!
My encouragement to you is to not feel like you absolutely have to enroll in social media to get clients. Use social for what it is; a free marketing tool that you can use to get clients along with other ways of marketing your services.
Here Are Some Tips for Attracting Clients Through Social
- Post more than just pictures of your work.You’ll need more than a sea of only nail or hair pics
- Showcase your workspace
- Show a picture of you in action (working). Introduce yourself in the caption and let them know what you offer
- Have a copy & paste CTA (call to action). This saves time and energy. A CTA is letting them know how to book with you and your policies for their appointment. (I save mine in my notes app on my phone for easy access.)
- Take two hours and make a weekly theme so each day you have a theme of what you will post and then when you get pictures/videos that match those themes. Add them to a dedicated album folder in your phone
I urge you to use social media as a marketing and networking tool and not a stick to measure your worth as a person and a comparison cane to crack yourself over the head.
You can do it!
You’re doing great!
Keep going!
Stick with me and I can show you how TO RUN YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA so that YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT RUNNING YOU!!

Naja Dev: Social Media is a fre marketing tool.
Naja, aka The Nail Guru is an award-winning nail artist, international educator and seasoned salon owner. A key-note speaker and published writer, her nail work has been seen on Lady Gaga, Mary J Blige, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Kanye West, LL Cool J and many more. She holds a Guinness World Record for the most polish changes in an 8-hour period. (with 69 polish changes). Her passion is helping young entrepreneurs in the beauty field make consistent CASH from their CRAFT. She offers online classes, monthly workshops & coaching on the business side of the industry for beauty professionals. Find out more: @the_naja or www.najanailguru.com
To find out Naja’s method on:
- Content creation: how to get 10+ pieces of content from just one beauty service
- Positive posting: how to deposit more on social rather than withdrawals
- Consistent posting: how to post even when you’re plate is already full
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